
disrespectful whores.

It's funny, isn't it, how life goes on when you think it's the end of the world. And part of you knows it's not, but you want things to slow down just a smidgen so you can appreciate them before they're gone.

It's also funny (well, not really funny) how rude people can be, and how insensitive their ideas can be. Right after Mardy died, this girl in my math class told me to "just get a new dog" and get over it.

How about no? Mardy was the coolest dog ever. Replacing him would be horrible and completely impossible. Why don't you get a new life?

And then, when my friend Anthony's grandfather died, two girls crashed the funeral just to take pictures with his sister and stalk Anthony, my best friend Andrew, and Andrew's brother Connor. While the three boys were paying their respects to Anthony's grandfather, the three girls were laughing.

You just don't do that at a funeral.

Better yet, you don't talk about how "fun" the funeral was over facebook. Honestly now.

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