
ski week.

I haven't posted very much so as to spare everyone from me whining over the not-having-a-boyfriend thing, something that I should be used to after years of it. But because I'm past that now, and can actually say that I'm over him (I still care about him, but that's a given), I've decided to rejoin the living and post on here once more.

It's the start of ski week. Or, if you're a faculty member in my school district, it's furlough week. Otherwise known as the week that they do not get paid. So, to make up for our lack of a week's worth of education, my teachers piled on test after test during the past week. It was horrifying, and it began with a Precalc Honors test on Monday. Remember the days when teachers could only give tests on Fridays or something? I miss those days. Things were so much simpler then.

Why was I in a rush to grow up? I mean, I still am. I can't wait til college, even if I do have another year of high school after this one is up. But with college comes the promise of freedom and rebirth (so to speak), and I just want to get out of this hell hole and dive into Brown University's computer science department.

I'm not entirely sure why I'm faffing around like this at 12:17 AM on a Sunday. After all, I could be writing an essay on Malcom X's approach for civil rights versus Martin Luther King's. I could also be doing SAT prep, or driver's ed, or my Certificate of Merit practice test. Cause, you know, those things are just so fun.

I need to stop lending people my favorite books. I really, really, really wish I could be reading Serafina67 *urgently requires life* right now, but noooo, I had to lend it to my friend last summer. Yes, she's incapable of reading a book after seven months.

I'm not bitter, but I've seen better days.

Tonight I found out why guys automatically shuffle me into the Just Friends folder. I'm kind and I keep secrets and I find boyish things enjoyable, and maybe those are pseudo-typical traits but they work out for me. Only I wish I didn't have those traits. My friends who are flirty and girly get the guys so much easier.

Except the guy I like right now is so...different. He never seems interested in anyone, and he doesn't seem keen on any form of intimacy. But my best friend has noticed that he gets rather shy around me, which could point to some type of crush on me. Hopefully. :)

And I'm not gonna sit back and hope he just likes me. I've tried different tactics: asking him to formal (he said yes but was evidently unable to go, due to the fact that it was his mom's birthday and they were having a family dinner; apparently he was really upset that he had to tell me this, and would have rather not gone to the dinner), asking him to hang out (he had a tournament the same day; he tried to make up for it by saying that he, himself, does not plan the tournaments), and flirting with him and talking to him at the given chances.

I'm not letting him get away >:)

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